In the past two weeks I've been to three doctors and an Emergency Room, I've had a complete blood workup twice & two Urine C&S tests done and the only definitve answer I've gotten to anything is that I've got a UTI and I *MIGHT* have a VitaminD Deficiency. I've gotten more questions than answers and two referrals to the University's Medical Center. The ER Dr referred me to them & when I saw the GI Dr that came HIGHLY recommended from a friend with Chrons Disease, he recommended that I go to an Academic facility where they do testing for rare diseases & disorders & where they do state of the art testing & trials. This was both comforting that he knows his limitations & didn't let his ego get in the way of proper care for me(as my previous GI did) and worrysome as I obviously have something more going on than he feels he can handle. He is testing me for C-Diff as I have been in the hospital a number of times for various things(surgeries, outpatient procedures, ER Visits & a week @ the beginning of this yr) and all my current symptoms could be caused by that...The ER dr didn't believe that C-Diff was a real threat as I hadn't had antibiotics "recently". I'm not sure what the definition of recently is though...I had them back in sept during surgery & before another surgical procedure...I guess Sept isn't "recent" enough though..Even though I've been sick for months...I'll get the C-Diff test results within the next two weeks, I see the GI dr again in about 10 days...He's trying to rule out things w/non-invasive testing while I'm waiting to get in the University's facility. I have an appointment on Monday with the Internal Medicine department @ the University medical center to get established & then I can go to all the appropriate specialists from there. There will be numerous, I'm sure...
I was looking over my FaceBook status' for this year & it was quite eye-opening. The majority of the status' I posted were about my health and exhaustion. I had A LOT of stuff going on this year, I didn't share any of it, to speak of, on Facebook, except my health trials...I guess this means that in reality, that's what's consumed the majority of this past year. It's sad to say that my online life is consumed with complaining about how crappy I feel, but I guess that's the reality of being chronically ill. I've never been this negative, and it doesn't seem natural to me, but when I'm feeling this miserble with no answers, it's difficult to be positive on a lot of things. I hope that the University Med Center will help provide those answers & help me to begin to feel better soon.