Nov 18, 2010

Welcome and an Intro

Hello to those whom may have stumbled upon my newly created blog. I have created this as my place to express what it's like and provide others with a little glimpse into what it's like living chronically. What do I mean by living chronically? Well, I have a myriad of medical issues, none of them "life threatening" however they are chronic in many ways, chronic in that they are always there, I can't escape them, and they will eventually get worse, and also chronic as in I've got chronic pain. It is always there, some days just a dull reminder that it exists & I can't escape it & some days so bad that I can not function. Living chronically is an exercise in exhaustion. The dr's appointments are never ending, the medications cost more than the food I eat in some instances & the continual additional issues coming up with no explanation is downright exhausting.

Although these chronic things exhaust me and wear me down, I still do my best to enjoy my life. I don't let them keep me from doing the things I REALLY want to do. I do, sometimes pay for it later, however. My birthday was last summer(it was a biggie) and I fulfilled a lifelong dream! I got to jump out of a perfectly good airplane. It was the most exhilarating thing I've experienced in a long time. The minute I landed, I wanted to go up again. I am a roller-coaster junkie and love to go to theme parks. These are things that completely exhaust me & I typically require a well planned out excursion w/an overnight stay in a town that's normally a short drive from my home in order to accomplish doing these things. In the past few years my excursions and adventures have dwindled as my chronic conditions have worsened.

In my next few posts I'll go into all the wonderful details of my medical history/issues and how it affects me. 
Thank you for entering my world.

1 comment:

  1. Its wonderful Chelle! You should be very proud of you first Blog! Beautifully written - I knew it! :)
    Love ya - Mom
